
Impact & Response

The human tragedy that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted on the world is incalculable and continues to grow. All human life is priceless and deserves the care it takes to sustain it. COVID-19 is having a serious impact on the technology sector, affecting the supply of raw materials, disrupting the electronics value chain and causing inflationary risk in products. More positively, the disruption has led to an acceleration of remote work and a quick focus on assessing and removing end-to-end value chain risks.

Vissat collaborates with all their employees and arranged remote work, provided initial expense support, communicate frequently to provide awareness on the COVID safety measures and follow up to ascertain COVID impacts. Also, provided communication for scheduling the vaccination appointments.

Future of SAP after COVID 19

None of us knows how long this crisis will last, but there is growing evidence that the way we work will change forever. There are several reasons for this, and many of them will have profound effects on the operation and configuration of our SAP systems.

What will the SAP new normal look like once we are out, beaten and bruised from the ravages of COVID-19? Already, SAP customers are responding quickly to growing supply chain and administrative pressures. Inevitably, organizations capable of turning their short-term adaptations into long-term innovations will win. It remains to be seen how many of these changes will root or adapt to the New World Order is yet to be seen.

A roadmap for navigating supply chain disruption with SAP Solutions

VISSAT solutions SAP practitioners can help you assess the scenarios most important to your business, provide models for data upload, configure, model and run the simulation scenarios.

Companies will be required to confirm proposed decision scenarios and extract required data and provide it from legacy or SAP applications for downloading. Once armed with new information about your supply chain, you can analyze, review and implement recommendations from the simulations.